How do I help my baby sleep all night?
I am so glad you are curious about better sleep. Enter your email to get sleep tips that you can try tonight. Your baby will thank you!


Sleep is a basic human need.We do our best to eat well and stay active, but do we think about sleeping well and what that means for our body and our brain?
Getting the sleep we need can help reduce stress, regulate hormones and emotions and allow our brain to fully process all the things we learn each day. The first few years of life is when children hit the most developmental milestones. We can give them a leg up by helping them sleep and give their brain the rest it needs.
Bad sleep does not become good sleep with age. Helping your child learn to fall asleep independently is a skill they will take into teen years and the rest of their adult life.
We all have different personalities and needs, together we will create a custom, step-by-step plan according to what is best for your child and your family. You can even stay in the room if you want. I can help! Let’s all sleep better starting tonight!
When your baby sleeps well,
the whole family sleeps well.
I remember the morning after our daughter first slept through the night. I called my husband so excited to say “I had a dream! I slept so well I remember having a dream!” Since then, it has been my mission to help parents sleep well and dream again.

Baby Bump to Newborn
0-15 Weeks
You can absolutely teach your baby good sleep habits from day one.
-Dana Obleman

Babies develop and learn many new skills at this age. Why shouldn’t sleep be one of these skills?

13M --- 35M
An overly tired toddler may look like a wild monkey at bedtime. Lets talk about naps.

36M - 6 Years
Its never to late to learn good sleep habits. Good sleep is a learned skill they will take into adulthood.

About Me
Hi Im Rikki.
I live in the Owasso/Tulsa Oklahoma area. I have been married to my love, Philip, for four years now. Fun fact, we met in middle school but I was only there a semester. I went to a different school, but we ran in to eachother at a highschool track event. We didn’t end up actually reconnecting until after college. I was in gradschool (in Texas) and we connected through facebook and we have been together ever since! In college I got my bachelors degree in counseling.
I’m a mom now! We have two beautiful children Liam and Nora (that’s where L&N comes from). Liam was our angel sleeper and Nora lived up to that second child reputation. She’s an angel too, don’t get me wrong, but we had to take a new approach to sleep. We started using the Sleep Sence method when she was almost four months old. By night five of using this method she was definitely sleeping different, and within 2-3 weeks she was an all night sleeper! We did hit a few road blocks, like a cold and traveling, but she had learned the skills she needed and once the sickness had passed she was right back to sleeping all night.